Saturday, January 31, 2009

200-250 Page Post

Campbell- Campbell goes to the hospital to try to find Anna. He can't find her so he go to talk to Dr. Bergan and when he walks into the office he finds the Doctor busy doing Tai Chi. Campbell went to go get Anna's medical files because the Doctor sent the wrong files. He finds out that they don't have a file for her because her procedure didn't go before the ethics committee. When he was leaving he runs in to Julia in the elevator. Julia tells him that Kate's doctor said that he doesn't think Kate is strong enough for the kidney transplant. Julia also says that she knows what is right for Anna she just needs her to commit because every time Anna's mother says something she backs off. Campbell gets a call from Anna. Jesse stole Judge Newbell's car. Anna wanted Campbell to represent Jesse and he agrees not knowing why he did. Campbell gets Jesse out but he gets his divers license taken away.

Brian- Campbell goes to talk to Brian when he drops off Anna. Brain tells Campbell that he thinks Anna is right and that he would tell the judge that at the hearing. The next day, there was a ambulance call. Some girl OD on something.

Sarah- Finds out that the insurance company will not pay for the transplant because they do not think it is necessary at this time. They have agreed to only pay for ten percent. But her sister comes to watch the kids during the operation and hands them a check for $100,000 covering the cost of the operation. But Brian refuses because the guys at the fire station called people nation wide for donations. But then she later finds out the the donation was only $10,000.

Jesse- Since Jesse no longer has his vehicle he steals a dump truck. He goes to see the homeless guy Dan to get his stuff and asks if he would like to come with him to light the building on fire. When he lights the shed on fire Dan tells him that there was a homeless guy living in there but not anymore. So Jesse goes in and burns his and on a piece of metal but finds Rat and brings him out of the shed. Once he puts him down he starts running in the opposite direction. This tells you what you should do when you get a burn, what different burns are. Tells you what Tia Chi is.

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