Sunday, February 1, 2009

250-300 Page Post

Anna- It starts out with Anna, Kate, and Sarah in the hospital acting like there is nothing wrong because the trial is coming up. Anna and Sarah get into a fight so Anna leaves. Later that day she is talking to Julia telling her about boys and if Julia thought that Campbell was cute. Before Anna went to bed her mom called to tell her that she was sorry for what she said earlier at the hospital and that she wanted to say good night. After she gets off the phone with her mother she goes up onto the roof and watches the stars.

Brian- Brian goes to the hospital to see Kate but she is asleep. Brian tells Sarah that he is going to speak on Anna's behalf at the trial because he thinks Anna is right.

Sarah- She is still talking in the past. She finds out that Anna plays hockey. They realize that Anna is really good at something and that she loves it. Then one night Kate wakes up with blood coming out of her nose, rectum and the sockets of her eyes. Once at the hospital Brian slips out and when Sarah finds him he is writing a eulogy for Kate because he knows that she is going to die. On the eleventh day at the hospital Kate goes in to a coma and the doctor tells them that they need to say their good byes but then later Kate squeezes Sarah's hand. When Sarah goes home to see Anna and Jesse, Anna tells her that she has been accepted to this hockey camp, Sarah tells her that she can't go because they might need her to donate more stuff for Kate while she is gone.

Anna- Campbell, Anna and Brian go to Campbell's office because Sarah wants to make a deal. The deal was that if Anna donated her kidney she wouldn't ask for anything else even if the transplant doesn't work but Anna tells her that she can not accept the deal.

Julia- Goes out to dinner with Campbell to talk about the case. Campbell takes her on his boat to talk because he knows this way she won't and can't leave him. Campbell tells her about the deal but some how turns it into about him and her and they start to rekindle what they use to have.

Campbell- He leaves Julia his car keys so when she wakes up she can go get ready for court. When he gets to the court house he finds out that Anna is missing so he goes to find her. He goes to the hospital and finds her there. But on their way back to the court hose he pulls over at a park to ask her what is going on and why she is going to court. When they get to the court house, Campbell cross examines Sarah and when he asks about Anna she always answers about Kate. tells you about black holes, studies on stars, what telescopes you should use to study stars. Tells you the proper way to sail a boat.

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